Thursday, April 29, 2010

Turn around, Jackie!

Rolling Stones, Sticky Fingers (1971)

Scissor Sisters, Nightwork (2010)

Give us a crotch shot!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hello, Thanks

Hello, Thanks is a short film, directer (and performed) by Andy Blubaugh in which he documents his quest for love, through the use of personal ads. (As seen in Available Men)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Separated by a Schnauze


Well, that explains a lot.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

2009 Space Jams

As I worked on my list of favorite albums of 2009, I started to think about my favorite songs of the year as well. This is how it goes:

I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris, Morrissey
I remember it like it was yesterday. July 17, 2007. Cyndy, Kim and I drove all the way up to Jacksonville, FL to see Morrissey (the day after my birthday). The long drive was totally worth it, specially since he debuted this song at the show (and I got asked if I had a big penis by a drunk British tourist).

Heads Will Roll, Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Personally, one of the biggest disappointments of the year. This album was extremely underwhelming for me, but Heads Will Roll was definitely the best song of the album. It captures everything I love about YYY's (danceable beats, Karen's high pitched voice, and a badass video). This song also makes me want to get a haircut - don't ask why.

Daniel, Bats for Lashes
I knew about Bats for Lashes since their debut album was released, but I didn't actually start to love them until I saw them perform this song live on Letterman. Go ahead, and click it. You won't regret it.

Lisztomania, Phoenix
I've loved them since United (thanks to St. Valantyne) and Wolfgang Amadeux Phoenix was one of the most refreshing albums this year. 1901 was a great single from this album as well, but overplayed in that Cadillac, and Ipod shuffle commercial (I'm not hating, bands have bills to pay too!).

It Don't Move Me, Peter Bjorn and John
Take a skinny, shirtless guy, have him parade around the room a la Dirty Dancing, then have him mock the Thriller dance, and I'm sold.

One Day, The Juan MacLean
I discovered this song on a drunken dance off at Ibar, and it became an instant favorite. Gay beats and cute Asian girls will always hold a place near my heart.

Paparazzi, Lady Gaga
I'm one of those shameless gays, that loved her since her first appearance in LOGO back in '08. It was good to see everyone slowly come to terms with her odd antics, and I believe Paparazzi was one of the songs/videos that got most people talking about her music as an art form, and not about her nonexistent penis. With a VMA performance that shocked most (and had me clutching my pearls) she definitely made a mark in pop culture this year. It has been nothing but greatness since then. (Ex. SNL, AMA's and Bad Romance)

I Cut Like a Buffalo, The Dead Weather
Smart music by sexy people. This song makes me wish I lived somewhere cold, where I could just rock my leather jacket all year round, and chain smoke my lungs dry (I don't smoke - I don't care if you do).

New Fang, Them Crooked Vultures
Long live Rock & Roll supergroups.

Heartbreaker, MSTRKRFT
Definitely my favorite song to dance to this year.

In It For The Kill, La Roux
Fierce hair to match fierce talent. I love this girl, and her unusual voice. Simple beats, but they're definitely well arranged, and together they made an awesome debut album.

Eclipse Broadcast, Empire of the Sun
I purposely ignored this band, simply because they reminded me too much of MGMT (or so I thought). It took this amazing black & white video with avant garde costumes (that give Gaga a run for her money), pyramid heads and swordfish women to convince me of their greatness, even if I was about a year late behind in the game.

One More Chance, Bloc Party
Bloc Party goes disco, and gets me to notice them once again after being in denial and not accepting anything better than Silent Alarm.

Sweet Dreams, Beyoncé
Sweet Dreams definitely made a great summer jam, and I do not know anyone who could not bust out in dance and song at the sound of this tune. (I am...Sasha Fierce was one of my favorite albums in 2008, hands down.)

Confussion Girl, Frankmusik
I think I may just be in love with him.

Radar, Britney Spears
One of my favorite songs out of Blackout/Circus, and live.
(I feel the need to link 3 as well, because it's just so damn catchy).

Celebration, Madonna
Celebration definitely reminded me why Madonna is still the Queen of the dancefloor (and my bedroom - I've played this song over 100 times in my itunes since it came out). Sidenote: How adorable is Lourdes in this video?

Love Long Distance, Gossip
Favorite song of the year? Why yes! I genuinely disliked this band, until Music for Men came out. This album has a permanent spot in my CD changer (I'm so '00, you guys!) and in my heart. Also, how adorable is this video?

I'm sure I missed a few songs here and there, but these are the most memorable ones.
Hopefully I can bust out my end of the year album list soon, but don't hold your breath on that one! I want to make more use of this space in '10, so don't be surprised if I show up in your feeds (all 5 of you!).

Love & Bruises,

E. Depressley